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Wild Flower Reports

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KEY: JSB=Just Starting to Bloom; APB=Approaching Peak Bloom; *=At Peak Bloom; BP=Beyond Peak; AG=Almost Gone


RABBIT CREEK TRAIL (FROM ABRAMS CREEK TO HANNAH MT. TRAIL): FEW BLOOMS—Blue Asters (AG), Curtis Aster (BP), White Snake Root (AG), White Top Aster.


CHESTNUT TOP TRAIL: MANY BLOOMS—Blue Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—White Top Aster (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Erect Goldenrod (AG), False Fox Glove (BP), Mountain Gentian*, White Snake Root (BP).



RICH MOUNTAIN ROAD (FROM PARK BOUNDARY TO INDIAN GRAVE TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS— Blue Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—Mountain Gentian (various stages), White Snake Root (BP), White Top Aster (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Erect Goldenrod*, Great Lobelia (BP), Water Hemlock*.

INDIAN GRAVE TRAIL (FROM RICH MT. ROAD TO RICH MT. TRAIL): SOME BLOOMS—Blue Aster (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Curtis Aster*, Curtiss Milkwort (BP),Erect Golden Rod*,Mountain Gentian (various stages), White Top Aster – Few (BP).

RICH MOUNTAIN TRAIL (B-E): SOME BLOOMS—Blue Aster (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Curtiss (BP), Erect Golden Rod (various stages), Mountain Gentian (BP), White Top Aster (BP).



LITTLE RIVER TRAIL (B TO CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS— Blue Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—White Top Aster (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—Golden Rod (BP), White Snake Root (BP).

CUCUMBER TAP TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Blue Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—Golden Rod Erect*, White Top Aster (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—White Snake Root (BP).


ABRAMS FALLS TRAIL (B TO THE FALLS): MANY BLOOMS—Blue Asters*.  SOME BLOOMS— Golden Rod (various stages), White Top Aster (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—Hawkweed*.



LEAD COVE TRAIL (B-E):  MANY BLOOMS—Erect Golden Rod*, White Top Asters*. SOME BLOOMS—Blue Asters*, White Snake Root (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Coreopsis (BP).

BOTE MOUNTAIN TRAIL (FROM LEAD COVE TRAIL TO FINELY CANE TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Blue/purple asters*, Erect Goldenrod*, White Top Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—Mountain Gentian (JSB), White Snakeroot*.  FEW BLOOMS—Coreopsis (BP), Curtiss Milkwort*, False Fox Glove (BP), Great Lobelia (BP), Heal All*.

FINELY CANE TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—White Top Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS— Blue/purple Azaleas*, Erect Goldenrod*, White Snakeroot*.


ACE GAP TRAIL (B TO MILE EAST OF OLD CAMPSITE #7): MANY BLOOMS—Blue/purple Asters*, Golden (BP), White Top Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—False Fox Glove*, Great Lobelia*, Southern Harebell (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Coreopsis (BP), Curtiss Milkwort (BP), Indian Pipe (AG), Mountain Gentian.



TRILLIUM GAP TRAIL (B TO TRILLIUM GAP): MANY BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (BP), Golden Rod*, Pale Jewelweed*, White Snakeroot*, White Top Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—Doll Eyes (berries).  FEW BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane*, Great Lobelia*, Hearts-a-busting*, Pink Turtlehead (BP).



WEST PRONG TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS— Erect Golden Rod (BP), White Snake Root (JSB), White Top Aster (APB).  SOME BLOOMS—Cardinal Flower, False Fox Glove*, Great Lobelia*, Hearts-a-busting, Pale Jewelweed*, Pinesap*, Southern Harebell (BP). FEW BLOOMS—Blue/purple Asters (JSB), Red Clover, Wild Golden Glow.



LUMBER RIDGE TRAIL (B TO TOP OF RIDGE): MANY BLOOMS—Curtiss Milkwort*, Erect Goldenrod (BP), False Fox Glove (APB), Southern Harebell (BP), White Snake Root (JSB).  SOME BLOOMS—Black Eyed Susan (BP), Great Lobelia (JSB), Mist Flower*, Pinesap*, Purple Aster*, White Top Aster*.  FEW BLOOMS—Coreopsis*, Iron Weed*, Joe Pye Weed (BP), Spotted Jewelweed (BP), Star Grass*, Starry Campion (AG), Tick Trefoil (BP).


METCALF BOTTOMS TRAIL (B-E) :SOME BLOOMS—Heal All (BP), Spotted Jewelweed (BP), Tick Trefoil (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Flowering Spurge*, Golden Rod (BP), White Top Aster*.

WALKER SISTER CABIN TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Cardinal Flower (various stages), Great Lobelia (JSB), Spotted Jewelweed (BP), Tick Trefoil (BP), Wild Golden Glows*, Yellow Asters*.  SOME BLOOMS—Iron Weed*, Water Hemlock*.  FEW BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP), False Fox Glove*, Flowering Spurge*, Phlox*, Southern Harebell (BP), Thistle*, White Top Aster (BP).

LITTLE BRIER GAP TRAIL (B-E): FEW BLOOMS—Cardinal Flower*, Heal All (BP).

LITTLE GREENBRIER TRAIL (B TO LITTLE BRIER TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Tick Trefoil (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—False Fox Glove (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—Blue Asters*, Coreopsis (BP), Curtiss Milkwort*, Flowering Spurge*, Golden Rod (BP).

WEAR GAP ROAD – (FROM WEAR GAP TO METCALF BOTTOMS): MANY BLOOMS—Black Eyed Susan*, Golden Rod (BP), Joe Pye Weed*, Mountain Mint*, Ragweed*, Spotted Jewelweed (BP), Tick Trefoil (BP), Water Hemlock*, Wild Golden Glow*, Yellow Asters*.  SOME BLOOMS— Asiatic Dayflower*, Great Lobelia (JSB), Heal All (BP), Iron Weed*.  FEW BLOOMS—Cardinal Flower*, Coreopsis (BP), Daisy Fleabane (BP), Flowering Spurge*, Japanese Honeysuckle, Partridge Pea*, Red Clover (BP), White Clover (BP), White Top Aster (BP), Wild Potato Vine*, Yellow Wood Sorrel*.



MIDDLE PRONG TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—White Top Asters (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Doll Eyes (berries), Heal All*, Pale Jewelweed*, Wood Nettle (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Crimson Bee Balm (AG),Love Vine*, Rattlesnake Plantain (AG), White Snake Root (JSB).



OLD SUGARLANDS TRAIL (B TO BULL HEAD TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Heal All*, Reclining Saint Andrews Cross*, Smooth Phlox (JSB), Southern Harebell (APB), Tick Trefoil (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (various stages), Golden Rod (JSB), Red Clover*, Saint John’s Wort*.  FEW BLOOMS—Asiatic Day Flower*, Doll Eyes (berries), False Fox Glove (JSB), Joe Pye Weed*, Mountain Mint*, Queen Anne’s Lace*, Tall Bellflower (AG), Thimbleweed (BP).  NOTES—Last year, the Cardinal Flower were at peak bloom on the last mile of this trail, the only one found this year had just budded. Not positive about the identification of the phlox. According to Wildflowers of Tennessee, the smooth phlox should be the only phlox that should be blooming at this time in this area. The blooms on these plants seen today are blue/lavender.


BIG CREEK TRAIL (B TO 1ST LARGE BRIDGE): MANY BLOOMS—Pale Jewelweed*, Tick Trefoil (various stages), Wood Nettle (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Spotted Jewelweed (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Asiatic Dayflower*, Downy Wood Mint (BP), Heal All (BP), Reclining Saint Andrews Cross*, Rosebay Rhododendron (BP), Saint John’s Wort (BP), Tall Bellflower (BP), White Top Aster (JSB).



LITTLE RIVER TRAIL (B TO CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Heal All*.  SOME BLOOMS—Wood Nettle (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane Wood Nettle (BP), Doll Eyes (berries), Joe Pye Weed (JSB), Pale Jewelweed*, Rosebay Rhododendron Wood Nettle (BP), Saint John’s Wort, Tick Trefoil Wood Nettle (BP).

CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL (B-E): SOME BLOOMS—Doll Eyes (berries), Heal All*, Wood Nettle (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (BP), Crimson Bee Balm (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron (BP), Saint John’s Wort, Tall Bellflower (BP).

JAKES CREEK TRAIL (B TO CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL): SOME BLOOMS—Pale Jewelweed*, Wood Nettle (BP). FEW BLOOMS—Asiatic Dayflower*, Daisy Fleabane (AG), Rosebay Rhododendron (AG), Tall Bellflower (BP).



LOWER MOUNT CAMMERER TRAIL (B TO CAMPSITE #35): MANY BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (various stages), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), Wood Nettle*.SOME BLOOMS—Heal All*, Saint John’s Wort (JSB), Tick Trefoil (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Coreopsis*, Indian Pipe (BP), Reclining Saint Andrews Cross*, Smooth Hedge Nettle (APB), Wild Hydrangea (AG).NOTES—Not a great number of flowers in bloom on this trail currently. There is an active yellow jacket nest about 2.4 miles along the trail on the right. It appears that an animal (probably a bear) has been digging in the nest.



ROUND TOP TRAIL (B TO ABOUT 3.5 TO 4 MILES UP THE TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Coreopsis (BP), Curtiss Milkwort (various stages), White Top Aster (various stages).SOME BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (BP), Reclining Saint Andrews Cross (various stages), Star Grass*, Starry Campion*, Wood Nettle*, Yellow Wild Indigo*.  FEW BLOOMS—False Fox Glove (JSB), Flowering Spurge (JSB), Heart Leaf Hedge Nettle*, Indian Pipe*, Ox Eye Daisy, Pencil Flower (APB), Red Clover (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron (AG), Spider Wort (BP), Summer Sweet*, Tick Trefoil (BP), Water Hemlock (APB), Wild Blue Phlox (BP).



TURKEY PEN TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (BP), Tick Trefoil (JSB), Wood Nettle (BP). FEW BLOOMS—Basil Bee Balm (BP), Coreopsis*, Heart Leaf Hedge Nettle (JSB), Horse Nettle (BP), Large Bluet (AG), Pokeweed (JSB), Saint John’s Wort (JSB), Star Grass, White Top Aster (JSB), Wild Hydrangea (AG).

SCHOOL HOUSE GAP TRAIL (B TO TURKEY PEN TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Flowering Spurge*, Wood Nettle*.  FEW BLOOMS—Red Clover (AG), Tick Trefoil (APB).

BOTE MOUNTAIN TRAIL (B TO FINELY CANE TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages). SOME BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (various stages), Flowering Spurge*.  FEW BLOOMS—Coreopsis*, Red Clover (AG), Tick Trefoil (APB), White Clover (AG).

FINELY CANE TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS— Black Cohosh (various stages), Wood Nettle.  FEW BLOOMS—Basil Bee Balm*, Common Elderberry*, Flowering Spurge*, Heart Leaf Hedge Nettle (JSB), Large Bluet (AG), Tick Trefoil (APB).


METCALF BOTTOMS TRAIL (B-E): SOME BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP), Red Clover (various stages), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages).FEW BLOOMS—Mountain Camelia (see note below), Spanish Bayonet (BP), White Clover (BP).  NOTE—One Mountain Camelia shrub with six or seven blooms ~50 ft. up the trail from the beginning. Mountain Camelia blooms deteriorate badly when rain hits them. At 8 a.m. all of the blooms were in poor shape, by 12:30 p.m. two of the buds had opened and displaying nice blooms. They will not last long in hot weather.

WALKER SISTERS CABIN (B-E): SOME BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP),Red Clover (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—Large Bluet (BP), Pipsissewa (various stages), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), Thimbleweed, Wild Hydrangea (AG).

LITTLE BRIER GAP TRAIL (B-E): FEW BLOOMS—Indian Pipe (BP), Large Bluet (BP), Pipsissewa (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), Wild Hydrangea (BP).

LITTLE GREENBRIER TRAIL (B TO Little BRIER GAP TRAIL): SOME BLOOMS—White Top Aster (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—Coreopsis (JSB), Indian Pipe*, Large Bluet (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), Yellow Wild Indigo (APB).

WEAR GAP ROAD (FROM WEAR GAP TO METCALF BOTTOMS): MANY BLOOMS—Common Elderberry (BP), Daisy Fleabane (BP), Red Clover (various stages).SOME BLOOMS—Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), Wild Hydrangea (BP).FEW BLOOMS—Black Eye Susan (JSB), Flame Azalea*, Spotted Jewelweed*, Thimbleweed (BP).



JAKES CREEK TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Large Bluet (BP), Wild Hydrangea (various stages), Wood Nettle (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Crimson Bee Balm (JSB), Daisy Fleabane (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—Galax (AG), Pale Jewelweed (JSB), Partridgeberry (BP), Water Hemlock*.



CURRY MOUNTAIN TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Large Bluet*, Wild Hydrangea (JSB).  SOME BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane, Pipsissewa (various stages), Red Clover, Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), White Clover.FEW BLOOMS—Flame Azalea*, Goats Rue (AG), Loosestrife (AG), Wood Nettle (BP), Yellow Wild Indigo (JSB).



LEAD COVE TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Large Bluet (BP).SOME BLOOMS—Pipsissewa (BP).FEW BLOOMS—Canadian Violet (AG), Galax (BP), Partridge Berry (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron (JSB).

BOTE MOUNTAIN TRAIL (FROM LEAD COVE TRAIL TO FINELY CANE TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Star Grass*, Wild Hydrangea*.  SOME BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP), Flame Azalea*, Galax (BP), Large Bluet (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Goats Beard (BP), Mountain Laurel (AG), Pipsissewa*, Rosebay Rhododendron (JSB), White Clover (BP).

FINELY CANE TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Wild Hydrangea*.  SOME BLOOMS—Large Bluets (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP), Galax (AG), Partridge Berry (AG), Pipsissewa (BP).



RICH MOUNTAIN ROAD (FROM PARK BOUNDARY TO INDIAN GRAVE TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (JSB), Galax (BP), Goats Beard (various stages), Large Bluet*, Mountain Laurel (BP), Ox Eye Daisy*, Wild Hydrangea (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Bowman’s Root (BP), Indian Pink*.  FEW BLOOMS—Basil Bee Balm (APB), Beard Tongue (BP), Flame Azalea*, Rosebay Rhododendron (JSB), Red Clover (BP), White Clover (BP), White Milkweed (APB).

INDIAN GRAVE TRAIL (RICH MOUNTAIN ROAD TO RICH MOUNTAIN TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Canadian Violet (BP), Galax (various stages), Hawkweed (APB), Mountain Laurel*, Star Grass*, Wild Hydrangea (various stages).SOME BLOOMS—Large Bluet*, Low Hop Trefoil*.  FEW BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (JSB), Goats Beard (BP), Ox Eye Daisy*, Red Clover (BP), Spiderwort*, White Clover*.

RICH MOUNTAIN TRAIL (B-E):  MANY BLOOMS—Galax (BP), Hawkweed*, Mountain Laurel (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Flame Azalea*, Indian Pipe*, Large Bluet*, Star Grass*.  FEW BLOOMS—Beard Tongue (BP), Goats Beard (BP), Indian Cucumber Root (BP), Pipsissewa (JSB), Spiderwort*.



WEST PRONG TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Basil Bee Balm (various stages), Galax (BP), Mountain Laurel (BP), Wild Hydrangea (various stages).SOME BLOOMS—Canadian Violet (BP), Goats Beard*, Loosestrife (BP), Wood Nettle.  FEW BLOOMS—Hawkweed (BP), Partridge Berry (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron (JSB), Star Grass, Yellow Wood Sorrell (JSB).

MAY 29

LUMBER RIDGE TRAIL (B TO TOP OF RIDGE): MANY BLOOMS—Galax*, Hawkweed*, Large Bluet*, Mountain Laurel (BP), Wild Hydrangea (JSB). SOME BLOOMS—Loosestrife*, Pipsissewa (JSB), Yellow Wood Sorrell (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—False Solomon’s Seal (AG), Goats Beard (APB), Solomon’s Seal Grande (BP), Star Grass*, Vasey Trillium (BP), White Milkweed (JSB).


MAY 22

CHESTNUT BRANCH TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Galax (various stages), Indian Pipe*, Large Bluets*, Mountain Laurel, Partridge Berry*, Squaw Root (BP).SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry (BP), Hawkweed*, Indian Cucumber Root*.  FEW BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber (BP), False Solomon’s Seal (JSB), Solomon’s Seal (BP), Solomon’s Seal Grande (BP), Spiderwort (JSB), Star Grass*, Sweet Cicely (BP), White Violet (BP), Wood Nettle (JSB).

APPALACHIAN TRAIL (FROM CHESTNUT BRANCH TRAIL TO DAVENPORT GAP): MANY BLOOMS—Mountain Laurel (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Galax*, Indian Cucumber Root*, Partridge Berry*, Solomon’s Seal (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Blackberry (BP), False Solomon’s Seal (JSB), Large Bluets*, Solomon’s Seal Grande (BP), Spiderwort (JSB), White Violet (BP).

MAY 16

RICH MOUNTAIN LOOP TRAIL (B TO JOHN OLIVER CABIN): MANY BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP), Golden Ragwort*, Large Bluet*, Miami Mist*, Partridge Berry*.SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry (BP), Hawkweed*, Hispid Buttercup*, Mountain Laurel (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Beard Tongue (BP), Blue Eye Grass*, Red Clover*, Star Grass*, White Clover*, Wild Comfrey (AG), Yellow Wood Sorrell*.


MAY 15

ABRAMS FALLS TRAIL (TO THE WATERFALL): MANY BLOOMS—Blackberry*, Galax (APB), Mountain Laurel*, Partridge Berry*, Sweet Shrub (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber (BP), Bleeding Heart (BP), False Solomons Seal (APB), Golden Ragwort*, Maple Leaf Vibram*, Hawkweed*, Star Grass*.  FEW BLOOMS—Blueberry (JSB), Blue Violets*, Cross Vine (BP), Dog Hobble (BP), Indian Cucumber Root (BP), Loosestrife (BP), Prostate Bluet (BP), Red Clover*, Robins Plantain (AG), Solomon’s Seal (BP), Solomon’s Seal Grande (BP), Star Chickweed*, White Clover*.


MAY 10

LITTLE RIVER TRAIL (B TO CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Black Berry*, Canadian Violet*, Common Cinquefoil*, Dog Hobble*, Foam Flower (BP), White Violets *.  SOME BLOOMS—Brook Lettuce (AG), False Solomon’s Seal (BP), Jack n Pulpit (BP), Lyre Leaf Sedge (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber*, Bishop Cap (BP), Blue Violet*, Cancer Root (BP), Golden Ragwort (BP), Lousewort (AG), Meadow Parsnip*, Mountain Laurel (JSB), Robins Plantain (BP), Sweet Cicely (BP), Toothwort, Yellow Trillium (AG).

CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Canadian Violets (BP), Common Cinquefoil*, False Solomon’s Seal (BP), Foam Flower (BP), Indian Cucumber Root*, White Violet*.  SOME BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber*, Blackberry*, Dog Hobble*, Maple Leaf Vibram (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—Blue Violets*, Brook Lettuce (BP), Doll Eyes (Bane Berry)*, Hooked Butter Cup, Long Spurred Violet (BP), Wild Ginger (BP), Yellow Trillium (AG).



PORTERS CREEK TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Canadian Violet (BP), Clinton Lily*, Dog Hobble*, False Solomon Seals (various stages), Foam Flower (various stages), Meadow Parsnip*, Robins Plantain (AG), Stone Crop (BP), White Violets*, Wild Geranium (BP), Yellow Trillium (BP).SOME BLOOMS—Bishop Caps (AG), Black Berry (various stages), Brook Lettuce (BP), Common Cinquefoil, Indian Cucumber Root (BP), Little Brown Jugs – Some , Sweet Cicely (JSB), Umbrella Magnolia (APB).  FEW BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber, Long Spurred Violet (BP), May Apple, Painted Trillium*, Prostate Bluets*, Solomon’s Seal, Solomon’s Seal Grande, Squaw Root (BP), Sweet Shrub*, Toothwort*, Trillium Erect (AG), White Fringed Phacelia (AG), Wild Blue Phlox*, Wild Ginger (BP).


LOWER MOUNT CAMMERER TRAIL (B TO CAMPSITE #35): MANY BLOOMS—Bishop Cap (BP), Canadian Violet (various stages), Crested Dwarf Iris (various stages), False Solomon’s Seal (JSB), Foam Flower*, Nodding Trillium*, Stone Crop (various stages), White Violet* (various stages), Wild Geranium (BP), Yellow Trillium*.  SOME BLOOMS—Common Cinquefoil, Meadow Parsnip*, Rue Anemone*, Silver Bells (BP), Vasey Trillium (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—Blue Cohosh (BP), Cancer Root (BP), Golden Ragwort (AG), Large Flowering Bellwort*, Long Spurred Violet (AG), Purple Wake Robin, Solomon’s Seals, Star Chickweed*, Star Grass*, Squaw Root (BP), Sweet White Trillium (BP), Toothwort (APB), Trillium Erect (BP), Wild Blue Phlox (AG), Yellow Mandarin (BP).



ACE GAP TRAIL (B TO ABOUT 1 MILE BEFORE OLD CAMPSITE #7):  MANY BLOOMS—Catesby Trillium*, Common Cinquefoil*, Crested Dwarf Iris (BP), Meadow Parsnip*, Robins Plantain (AG), Solomon’s Seal*, Star Grass*, Wild Geranium (BP), Wild Oats (BP).SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry*, Carolina Vetch (BP), Fire Pink (APB), Flame Azalea*, Yellow Trillium*.  FEW BLOOMS—Buttercup (BP), Cancer Root (BP), Dog Hobble (JSB), Dogwood (AG), False Solomon’s Seal (JSB), Galax (JSB), Halberd Leaf Violet (BP), Mountain Laurel (JSB), Plantain Leaf Pussytoe (BP), Rue Anemone*, Star Chickweed*,  Stone Crop (BP), Sweet Shrub (JSB), Vernal Iris*, Wood Violet*.



NORRIS RIVERBLUFF TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Bishop Cap (various stages), Blue Phlox (BP), May Apple, Little Brown Jug (BP), Purple Phacelia*, Purple Wake Robbin (BP), Solomon’s Seal*, Squaw Root (AG), Wild Ginger (BP), Yellow Trillium*.SOME BLOOMS—Foam Flower*, Star Chickweed*, Stone Crop*, White Violets*.  FEW BLOOMS—Bed Straw (JSB), Blue Violet*, Celandine Poppy (BP), False Solomon’s Seal (JSB), Halberd Leaf Violet (JSB), Rue Anemone*, Toothwort (BP), Wild Comfrey (JSB).



CHESTNUT TOP TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Crested Dwarf Iris*, False Solomon’s Seal (APB),  Long Spurred Violet*, Purple Phacelia*, Solomon’s Seal*,  Solomon’s Seal Grande*, Stone Crop*, Wild Oats*, Yellow Parsnip*.SOME BLOOMS—Bishop Caps (BP), Catesby Trillium*, Fire Pink (various stages), Flaming Azalea (various stages), Rue Anemone*, Star Chickweed*, Star Grass*, Yellow Mandarin*.  FEW BLOOMS—Bird foot Violet*, Blackberry (JSB), Brook Lettuce (JSB), Cancer Root, Carolina Vetch*, Dogwood (BP), Foam Flower*, Galax (JSB), Little Brown Jug, Lousewort (AG), Mountain Laurel (JSB), Plantain Leaf Pussytoe (AG), Robins Plantain (BP), Solitary Pussytoe (AG), Sweet White Trillium*, Toothwort*, Umbrella Magnolia (JSB), White Violet*.



METCALF BOTTOMS TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Dogwood*, Wild Geranium (JSB).  SOME BLOOMS—Blue Violet*, Crested Dwarf Iris (BP), Robins Plantain (BP), White Violets*, Yellow Trillium*.  FEW BLOOMS—Dog Hobble (JSB), Foam Flower (JSB), Long Spurred Violet*

WALKER SISTERS CABIN TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Carolina Vetch (BP), Crested Dwarf Iris (various stages), Dogwood*, Robins Plantain (BP), Wild Geranium (JSB).SOME BLOOMS—Blue Violet*, Rue Anemone*, Solomons Seal (JSB), Vernal Iris (BP), Wood Anemone (APB), Yellow Trillium*.  FEW BLOOMS—Bed Straw (JSB), Canadian Violet*, Common Cinquefoil (JSB), Dog Hobble (JSB), White Violet*.

LITTLE BRIER GAP TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Wild Geranium (JSB).SOME BLOOMS—Crested Dwarf Iris (BP), Dogwood*, Robins Plantain (BP), Yellow Trillium*.FEW BLOOMS—Blue Violet*, Common Cinquefoil (JSB), Halberd Leaf Violet (JSB), Lousewort (BP), Perfoliate Bellwort (JSB), Solomon’s Seal (JSB), Star Chickweed*, Vernal Iris (BP), Wood Anemone*.

LITTLE GREENBRIER TRAIL (B TO LITTLE BRIER GAP TRAIL JUNCTION): SOME BLOOMS— Dogwood*, Plantain Leaf Pussytoe (BP).FEW BLOOMS—Common Cinquefoil (JSB), Galax, Lousewort (BP), Meadow Parsnip (JSB), Star Chickweed*, Star Grass*,Trailing Arbutus (AG), Wild Oats (BP).

WEAR GAP ROAD (FROM PARK BOUNDARY TO METCALF BOTTOMS): MANY BLOOMS—Robins Plantain (BP), Wild Geranium (JSB).  SOME BLOOMS—Carolina Vetch (BP), Dogwood*, Golden Ragwort, Rue Anemone*, Solomon’s Seal (JSB), Yellow Trillium*, Star Chickweed*.  FEW BLOOMS—Blue Violet, Common Cinquefoil (JSB), Fire Pinks*, Hispid Buttercup (APB), Lousewort (BP), Silver Bell (BP), White Violet.

NOTES: Blue violets are likely Common Blue Violets and white violets are likely Sweet White Violets.



HUSKEY GAP TRAIL (FROM 441 TO HUSKEY GAP): MANY BLOOMS—Bishop Caps*, Crested Dwarf Iris (various stages), Large Flowered Bellwort (JSB),  Large Flowered Trillium (various stages),  Silverbells*, Solomon’s Seal*, Squirrel Corn*,  Star Chickweed – Many ++ – Mostly at peak bloom White Erect Trillium (various stages), Yellow Mandarin (APB), Yellow Trillium*, Yellow Violets (various stages).SOME BLOOMS—Blue Cohosh (APB), Blue Violets*, Canadian Violet*, Dogwood*, Purple Phacelia*, Rue Anemone – Some – Mostly at peak bloom. Stone Crop (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—Doll Eyes (JSB), Dutchmen’s Breeches (BP),Early Buttercup (JSB), Halberd Leaf Violet (JSB), Hepatica, Perfoliate Bellwort (JSB), Seersucker Sedge (BP), Spring Beauty*, Squaw Root (JSB), Sweet Shrub*, Toothwort (BP), Trailing Arbutus (BP), Vernal Iris*.

COVE HARDWOOD TRAIL: MANY BLOOMS—Large Flowered Trillium (various stages), Solomon’s Seal*, White Erect Trillium (various stages), White Fringed Phacelia (APB).SOME BLOOMS—Bishop Caps*, Book Lettuce (APB), Blue Violet*, Rue Anemone*, White Violets*, Wild Blue Phlox (APB), Yellow Mandarin, Yellow Trillium, Yellow Violet.  FEW BLOOMS—Blue Cohosh (APB), Foam Flower (JSB), Hooked Buttercup*, Meadow Parsnip (JSB), Squirrel Corn*, Spring Beauty*, Toothwort (BP), Wood Anemone.

NOTES: Not positive on the identification of violets, so colors mentioned are just that. Per one of the flower books, when violet societies meet the botanists sit around and argue about the identification of certain violets.  As I (Tom Harrington) understand it, there are more than 30 species of violets in the park.  Most of the white ones seen today were what I believe to be Sweet White Violets, most of the blue violets seen today I would identify as Common Blue Violets, and most of the yellow violets seen today I would identify as Creamy Yellow Violets.

Secondly, the wildflowers on Huskey Gap from 441 up to Huskey Gap are spectacular for the most part and well worth the hike up the trail. There are hillsides covered with White Trillium.



TURKEY PEN TRAIL: MANY BLOOMS—Catesby Trillium (various stages), Dogwood (APB), Long Spurred Violet*, Rue Anemone*, Sweet White Violet*, Yellow Trillium (various stages).SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet* Common Cinquefoil (JSB), Halberd Leaf Violet (JSB),  Robins Plantain*, Star Chickweed*, Toothwort (various stages), Wood Anemone.  FEW BLOOMS—Birds Foot Violet, Carolina Vetch, Crested Dwarf Iris (JSB), Foam Flower (various stages), Little Brown Jugs, Meadow Parsnip (JSB), Trailing Arbutus (AG), Vernal Iris, Wild Blue Phlox (APB), Wild Oats (JSB).

SCHOOL HOUSE GAP TRAIL (B TO TURKEY PEN TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Long Spurred Violet*, Sweet White Violet*.  SOME BLOOMS—Catesby Trillium (various stages), Rue Anemone*, Star Chickweed*, Sweet White Trillium*, Toothwort (various stages), Yellow Trillium (various stages). FEW BLOOMS—Carolina Vetch, Common Blue Violet, Dogwood (APB), Golden Ragwort (JSB), Pennywort (JSB), Robins Plantain (BP), Wild Blue Phlox (APB), Wild Oats (APB), Wild Phlox (APB).

BOTE MOUNTAIN (B TO FINELY CANE TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Long Spurred Violet*.  SOME BLOOMS—Catesby Trillium*, Common Cinquefoil (JSB), Solitary Pussytoe (AG), Star Chickweed*,Sweet White Trillium*.FEW BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet, Dogwood (APB), Golden Ragwort (JSB), Lousewort (JSB).

FINELY CANE (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Blue Cohosh (various stages), Long Spurred Violet*, Rue Anemone*, Sweet White Trillium*, Sweet White Violet*, Wood Anemone (various stages), Yellow Trillium (various stages).SOME BLOOMS—Creamy Yellow Violets (APB), Halberd Leaf Violet (various stages), Large Flowered Bellwort (JSB), Toothwort (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—Blood Root (BP), Common Blue Violet, Crested Dwarf Iris (JSB), Foam Flower (JSB), Hepatica*, Pennywort (JSB), Squaw Root (JSB).

NOTES: Approximately two miles in on the Finely Cane Trail, there are seven or so trees blown down together—of which six are large. It is necessary to go off trail about 50 yards through undergrowth and cane break to get around the fallen trees.

March 27

LITTLE LIVER TRAIL (B TO CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Bent Trillium (various stages), Hepatica*, Large Flowered Trillium*, Rue Anemone*, Spring Beauty (most blooms closed) Yellow Trillium (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Frazer Sedge (BP), Long Spurred Violet*, Star Chickweed (various stages), Sweet White Trillium*, Trillium Erect*, Trout Lily*, White Violet.  FEW BLOOMS—Bishop Caps (JSB), Common Blue Violet (various stages), Dogwood (JSB), Halberd Leaf Violet, Large Flowered Bellwort*, Solomon’s Seal (JSB), Squaw Root (JSB), White Fringed Phacelia (JSB), Wild Blue Phlox (JSB).

CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Hepatica*, Rue Anemone*, Spring Beauty*, Trout Lily*, Wood Anemone*.SOME BLOOMS—Frazer Sedge*, Halberd Leaf Violet*, Solomon’s Seal (JSB).FEW BLOOMS—Bent Trillium (JSB), Blue Cohosh (JSB), Common Blue Violet*, Large Flowered Trillium (JSB), Purple Wake Robin*, Seersucker Sedge*, Star Chickweed*, Trillium Erect (JSB), Wild Blue Phlox (JSB), Yellow Trillium (JSB).

JAKES CREEK TRAIL (B TO CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL JUNCTION): SOME BLOOMS—Golden Ragwort*, Trout Lily*.FEW BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet*, Frazer Sedge*, Halberd Leaf Violet*, Long Spurred Violet*, Rue Anemone*, Seersucker Sedge (BP), Wild Blue Phlox (JSB), Wood Anemone*

NOTES: Some of the hillsides have many white trillium in full bloom, but from the distance I could not determine which species of trillium they were.  On the Little River Trail, the first mile has the best display of blooming flowers. On the Cucumber Gap Trail, the first mile and a quarter from Jakes Creek Trail has amazing wildflower blooms.



CHESTNUT TOP TRAIL (FIRST QUARTER MILE): MANY BLOOMS— Rue Anemone*, Spring Beauty, Yellow Trillium (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS— Hepatica*, Long Spurred Violet*, Purple Phacelia (budded), Seersucker Sedge (various stages), Solomon’s Seal (early stages), Star Chickweed*, Toothwort (budded).  FEW BLOOMS—Blood Root (BP), Large Flowered Trillium, Sweet White Violet, Yellow Mandarin (JSB).  NOTES—Many of the buds/flowers were closed or drooping due to the recent below freezing temperatures. Warmer weather should bring on the blooms.



WEST PRONG TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Halberd Leaf Violet*, Rue Anemone*, Sweet White Violet*, Yellow Trillium (JSB).  SOME BLOOMS—Blood Root (JSB). Hepatica*.  FEW BLOOMS—Blue Cohosh (JSB), Common Blue Violet, Dutchmen’s Breeches*, Long Spurred Violet (various stages), Seersucker Sedge (various stages), Solitary Pussytoe (JSB), Star Chickweed*, Toothwort (JSB), Trailing Arbutus*, Trillium Erect (JSB).



OLD SUGARLANDS TRAIL (B TO BULLHEAD TRAILHEAD): MANY BLOOMS—Pennywort (various stages), Plantain Leaf Pussytoe (various stages), Rue Anemone*, Solitary Pussytoe (various stages), Star Chickweed*, Yellow Trillium (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet (JSB), Halberd Leaf Violet (various stages), Little Brown Jugs (JSB), Long Spurred Violet (various stages), Robins Plantain (JSB), Seersucker Sedge (BP), Sweet White Violet (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—Bishop Cap*, Blue Phlox (APB), Large Flowered Trillium*, Trailing Arbutus*, Wild Geranium (JSB).  NOTES—Most of the blooms are along the first mile of the trail from Newfound Gap Road. There are 34 trees blown down on this trail, most after the first 1.5 mile. It’s challenging to get under, over or around some of them.



RAINBOW FALLS TRAIL TO THE FALLS: MANY BLOOMS—Halberd Leaf Violet (various stages), Spring Beauty*.  SOME BLOOMS—Hepatica*, Long Spurred Violet*, Star Chickweed*.  FEW BLOOMS—Bishop Cap (JSB), Common Blue Violet*, Rue Anemone*, Trailing Arbutus*, Wood Anemone*.


ABRAMS FALLS TRAIL: MANY BLOOMS—Plantain Leaf Pussytoe (JSB), Solitary Pussytoe (JSB).  SOME BLOOMS—Star Chickweed (various stages), Trailing Arbutus (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—Common Cinquefoil.  NOTES—In the full sun, the fragrance from the Trailing Arbutus blooms was most pleasing. The pink blooms are very colorful.



CHESTNUT TOP TRAIL (1ST QUARTER OF MILE): MANY BLOOMS—Spring Beauty*.SOME BLOOMS—Hepatica, Seersucker Sedge (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Star Chickweed*


CHESTNUT TOP TRAIL (1ST QUARTER MILE): MANY BLOOMS—Seersucker sedge (various stages). SOME BLOOMS—Spring beauty.  FEW BLOOMS—Bloodroot, Star chickweed.

Great Smokies

Welcome Center

Hours of Operation

(subject to change)

Open year round (closed December 25)

January - February

Open Daily 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

March - November

Open Daily 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Open Daily 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

The Great Smokies Welcome Center is located on U.S. 321 in Townsend, TN, 2 miles from the west entrance to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Visitors can get information about things to see and do in and around the national park and shop from a wide selection of books, gifts, and other Smokies merchandise. Daily, weekly, and annual parking tags for the national park are also available.

Physical Address

7929 E. Lamar Alexander Parkway Townsend TN 37882


865.436.7318 Ext 320